The great purpose of Taiji is the great purpose of life itself – internal evolution. All are born to this but most quickly forget why they are here.
Once enmeshed in the physical world, life serves merely the body's survival. Society's physical and social edifices, intended as forms within which humanity may evolve, become prisons.
Many dream of escape but few find the practical path to freedom.
Cours pour débutants
au début de chaque mois
Les cours sont conçus pour les personnes désirant apprendre de manière approfondie et progresser rapidement.
Bäkeranlage, CH-8004
Mon 19:00–20:30 Wed 19:00–20:30 Thu 19:00–20:30 Sat 11:00–12:30
There is only one true Taiji, one set of principles. Human deviation gave rise to family styles (Yang, Wu, Chen etc) which each has strengths and weaknesses. Their strengths are where they follow the principles and their weaknesses are where they deviate from the principles.
We emphasize the waist movement (twisting wave) of the Chen Style, the advancing (issuing transverse wave) power of the Yang Style, the borrowing of partners force (neutralising vertical pressure wave) of the Wu style. We follow my teachers advice: "Go back to the first principles before the styles diverged."
"道生一 Dao gave rise to one
一生二 one produced two
二生三 two produced three
三生萬物 three produced myriads
萬物負陰而抱陽 myriads bear Yin, embrace Yang
沖氣以為和 harmonised by immaterial Qi